Digital Minimalism, Pt. 3

Two guys run an animation studio here in Brooklyn. They create explainer videos you see on sites for services like Asana or Projecturf, and in doing so they help companies find clarity in their vision. But behind every great product is often a system of organization that doesn’t match the quality of work being put out. Companies focus on delivering such great content that they often forget to tidy their own shop. The problems, like stars, become impossible to count.


Here’s where things went wrong:

  • 3 different Google Drive accounts
  • No central task management suite
  • Duplicate files across computers
  • Outdated filing system for projects
  • No workflow separation by user
  • Deprecated local backup system
  • Outdated hardware and software
  • Booking and calendar inefficiencies
  • No dedicated photo/video manager
  • Obsolete client management system
  • Improperly configured local server
  • No project nomenclature system

This could go on, but I don’t want to induce any migraines. This is what many solopreneurs and small businesses must deal with on a daily basis, and it’s a process. Because if I asked you right now to show me exactly where all of your files are, could you do it? Would you be able to separate current vs. archived projects? Can you tell me if you currently have enough disk and cloud space to take on a new project?

When you get to a place where the business is moving forward but the systems aren’t, the only way through it is with a dedicated and non-partisan review of your digital workflow.

This is the process I’ve been honing for the last few years. And it’s becoming less of a luxury and more of a necessity as we move into an increasingly digital age where our entire life’s work exists on computers.

The ironic part is that when we say, “work comes first, and I’ll address my system when time allows,” we’re slowing ourselves down and losing focus on work we could have done if a system of digital organization was in place.

Here's where the animation guys ended up:


If any of that makes sense, great. Lightbulbs going off is the goal here.

Let's get the conversation started.

Robbie Klein