The Superhero Dad Protecting Family Memories

At the heart of every family is that acute realization that all moments are fleeting and that our kids grow up way too fast. Our latest client Dan recognized this and decided to take a proactive step towards building and protecting his family photo collection.



Your first priority when we started was creating a robust yet simple system for managing your photos. What led you to ensure your pictures were safe?

My wife and I had a catastrophic event where all of our photos from the first 3 months of our daughter's life were lost. That's why it was very important to have them automatically backed up. 

We also made some adjustments to your calendar so you and your wife could share your schedules more easily. Can you tell us a bit more about that?

I wanted something easy to be able to see anything in my wife's calendar. She has the same for me. Makes planning much more seamless. 

Lastly, what might you say to someone else who is feeling unsure about cleaning up their digital life?

Just go for it!
Robbie Klein